Acting as a Third party in the car booking process ArrangeYourTravel.com has collected the best offers and providers world-wide. Visitors are able to explore different options available for specific city / destination with no obligation to book.
I. Booking process
Making reservations through ArrangeYourTravel.com is voluntary. We did it as simple as possible in order to avoid any confusion and miss understanding. All information collected from providers is uploaded and available for our visitors. There is no need of registrations before you make a booking. Account is automatically assigned to your e-mail address at the last Step of the booking process. Simple follow all Steps and confirm your reservation request.
II. Payment
Once you complete all booking Steps you will be requested to pay - either a small part of Total amount as advance payment (deposit) – the rest must be paid upon your arrival in the country. For several destinations our providers request a payment in full during the booking process. In all cases you will be able to see what is the payment requirement for the selected destination. All prices are based in the currency selected in the search form..
III. Booking Fee / Credit card Fee
Booking process is free of reservation fees. You only need to pay the requested amount at the last step of the booking process. Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your reservation request until the payment for the reservation is successfully made.
All personal information we collect during the booking process is needed in order to complete your hotel or car rental reservation request. We would never share it or trade it with third parties.
It will be only used for our own purposes to improve the quality of services and keep you updated with the newest offers. If you wish not to receive our newest offers e-mails, please contact us using Contact Us form.
Payment Step is organized and guaranteed by Bank Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and it is encrypted to 128 bit security connection.
We would never keep a record of your credit card details!
Cookies are used to identify you as our customer or visitor. This would help us to safe your time to login into your account, to reduce the number of fields that could be automatically filled in from our server and etc. If you prefer us not collect cookies from your computer while you are browsing our web-site you can configure your browser to refuse cookies.
For all information about our services you can send request to: info@ArrangeYourTravel.com or contact us using our Contact Us form.
Your feed back is very important to us. Having your comments and / or suggestions will help us to improve the quality of service. Upon your arrival back, we will please you to share with us your impressions from our services and provider’s service quality. Of course, you may not participate in our FEED BACK program and not qualify the service provided through ArrangeYourTravel.com.
IX. Cancellation Policy
Different providers have different cancellation policy. Please read carefully the cancellation policy for the selected service - car rental or hotel booking.
All cases you are also able to cancel online the reservation request.
World wide online hotel reservations. Book online hotels for most popular destinations. Book rental cars online
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