Venice / Venezia is a city in northeast
Italy and the capital of the Veneto region. It stretches across 117 islets and there are over 450 bridges on its t

erritory, connecting the islands where the city is build on. Venice is situated 300 km east from
Milan / Milano and 550 km north from
Rome in the shallow Venetian Lagoon along the Adriatic Sea and its S-shaped Grand Canal is the largest traffic corridor in the city - nearly 4km long. The public transportation around town consists of both land and water buses (vaporetti). Venice / Venezia is a centre of the world’s tourism with tremendous significance, a place where international film festivals are held. The symbol of the Venice is a winged lion which is also incorporated into the crest of the city. The Carnival of Venice is one of the most magnificent and picturesque festivals in
Europe and we highly recommend you to visit it. People celebrate dressed-up with black mantels, wearing white masks, domino and costumes of the famous characters from the "comedy of craft" (Commedia dell'arte). The carnival was held for the first time during the 15 hundreds in front of the “Doge's Palace” (Palazzo Ducale di Venezia) with the Pope’s approval. St Mark's Square (Piazza San Marco) is considered as the heart of Venice. Near the square you can see and visit: St Mark's Basilica, the Procuratie Vecchie, the Doge's Palace and St Mark's Clocktower. Another tourist landmark is The Bridge of Sighs, which connects the Doge’s Palace with the old prisons. The bridge was crossed by the condemned to death on their way to the guillotine. The Rialto Bridge (Ponte di Rialto), a pontoon bridge, is the oldest and biggest in Venice and was built in the 16th century. Some of the islands near Venice are: Murano – famous for its glass making; Burano – lacework and colorful houses; Lido – this island is a sandbar more than 10km long, dotted with hotels right next to the Adriatic Sea. Venice is a romantic and unique city and deserves your attention. If you are planning to visit Venice / Venezia in
Italy select from our
Venice hotels database a discounted hotel to book online.