Travel to Oxford, UK

Oxford is a town in England, administrative center of Oxfordshire, located in South Central England, north-west from London near the mouth of River Thames. The town was established in the VIII century around a monastery, home to the oldest and prestigious colleges. Oxford University is the oldest university in Britain, founded in 1167 in the town of Oxford. Nowadays it is one of the most respected and one of the best British universities. In the center of Oxford you can find magnificent buildings at the Radcliffe Square, Radcliffe Camera, the University Church of St Mary the Virgin, Christ Church, Warwick Castle, the largest castle of the Middle Ages in England. Stratford- upon-Avon is a beautiful town where William Shakespeare was born; in which center we have houses and churches from the middle Ages and the Renaissance. Other interesting sites to see are: the Sheldonian Theatre, the Harvard’s house, the Nash’s house, the Chapel of the Guild of the Holy Cross, founded in 1269, the Grammar school where Shakespeare had studied and Saint Trinity Church, where the tomb of the grate play-writer is situated .

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